Wednesday, March 5, 7PM
    Online and On-Site (Childcare available)

    Join us for as we enter into the season of Lent by acknowledging our mortality before God and one another. We will mark the sign of a cross with ashes, following the ancient ritual, and reflect on the ways we can turn towards God for the sake of the world.


    Wednesdays, March 5-April 17
    10-11AM and 6:30-7:30PM

    Join us as we gather together in community as we journey through this season of reflection and introspection. Through the words of theologian Kate Bowler, we will navigate this season together!


    Thursday, April 7, 7PM
    Online and On-Site (Childcare Available)

    Join us as we remember the night before Jesus’ betray and arrest when he gathered his disciples together to give them a new commandment: love one another. We will share in communion and in hand-washing so that we might live into our purpose of Becoming Christ in the Community.


    Friday, April 18, 7PM
    Online and On-Site (Childcare available)

    Join us as we journey to the cross through word and music and reflect on the ways Jesus’ life and death at the hands of empire empower us to live with hope of the resurrection!