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Understanding Dementia in Aging with Sam McTavish

Join us in the Lounge on Sunday, October 20 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM and learn from Sam McTavish, a Positive Approach to Care Certified Independent Trainer and Consultant.

Many people know or know someone who is affected by dementia. This workshop helps us understand and recognize the differences in normal and not normal aging. We will develop better observational skills to recognize and intervene effectively when behavioral challenges occur. We will also develop new skills related to approach, cueing, and the ability to connect with people affected by dementia. The workshop will also address typical changes that happen in the early, middle, and late stages of the condition. 

Workshop Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast normal aging versus not normal aging related to various cognitive functions.

  • Describe the five sensory input and processing systems, highlighting the dominant role of vision, and the major differences between protective and discriminating sensation in each.

  • Discuss the impact of changing sensory awareness and processing as dementia progresses.

Please register here so we can know how much snacks to provide and if childcare is needed.

October 16

Jonah for Normal People (In-Person) (Session 1/6)

October 20

Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn't Have to Heal From (Session 2/6)