Bothell Music

Bothell UMC continues to have and nurture a rich musical tradition.

The primary purpose of the music department is to enhance and enrich each worship service through the singing of songs and hymns.

A secondary purpose is to allow those who are currently involved and those who might still yet participate, a safe place to learn and develop their musical gifts.

graphic with words: share your love (heart) of music

Connecting with God through musical expression.

  • Chancel Choir

    The choir sings weekly during worship and for special services and events. More than just singing, the choir also shares our spiritual journeys with one another in a weekly time of joys and concerns. Rehearse every Thursday evening (Sep – May), 7:30-9 pm. Ability to read music is a plus, but not required.

  • Worship Ensemble

    Ensemble is open to all ages who wish to share their voice and instruments in leading music of more contemporary/modern music. Rehearsals are on Sundays at 9:15 before the second service!

  • Bothell Brass

    Bothell Brass is a long-standing group at Bothell UMC that plays most 4th Sundays, as well as special services/events and rehearses every Wednesday (September – May) at 7pm.

  • Bell Choir

    If you’re not as quick to offer your voice, consider ringing bells; it’s easier than it looks! Ability to read music is required. Rehearse every Thursday evening (Sep – May), 6:30-7:20 pm. The bell choir typically rings on a monthly basis during Sunday worship and sometimes for special services.

Interested in More Info?

Email Pastor Joe know if you are interested in learning more about our music groups, and what’s coming up!